wow 2 u, name worshippers
Once when one was three, i didn’t know the word criminal. Nor was the word vegan around. Nowadays, it can be found in the dictionaries of etymology as well as in idiosyncratic idiolects pertinent to linguistic conduct in some quarters.
When i was three, i thought it was my name. Now i
know it is. i am vegan. a criminal. my mind is plagued by paranoid darkening
spurring from the suspicion that my thoughts are being read. The anxiety
blossoming from a surveillance nightmare thrives on my character of a vegan. a
criminal. i fear that my incorrigible sinfulness transcends the realm of
morality. My veganism can be legally decoded as questionable—to say the very
least—social conduct (but, can it be
When i was three,
i didn’t know that to know knowing was needed. Hence, i didn’t think i
knew it was my name. Now i know it is. i am vegan. I don’t know if other vegans
are criminals. Nor do i know if they know it (who cares!). A thought of my mind being observed scares me. Because
my crimes are of a political nature. Incorrect. My thinking is a stream of
blasphemy (the river told me a story.).
My thoughts are a sacrilege of sorts.
i vegan every time i look at my cell phone. Somebody
else’s cell phone. Somebody else’s eye fixated on the milkishness of the cell
phone’s screen. for one, i think: “like phunk, shouldn’t that gadget be
practical instead of being a bulky chunk of materialized ones & zeros.” wow
2 tho, tree-river looking! Be(e)hive for fuck sake and offend no more! Like
(a cloud
winks. hooting into the solemn air a steely kiss.)
i vegan every time i imagine that i am looking at
the watch that i am hiding even from myself. Somebody else’s watch. Somebody
else’s mouth devouring their wrist watches as their verbal content is being
poured into a tiny mic of that smart device. secondly, i think:”like phunk, one
even deprives oneself of the enchantment of milkishness, while still succumbing
to the burden and bulkiness conspiring with gravity and making one’s everyday
digitally illuminated (kindly refer to the dictionary of etymology for the
signification of words such as that one.). wow 2 tho, tree-river looking, like
phunk! Be(e)hive for fuck sake and offend no more. Whoo-hoo, little one.
(a branch
flutters. whispering into the bubbling clouds a swarmy kiss of birds.)
i vegan every time i think of the words overload,
manage, information…u name it. Every time i feel the agony of the cell phone
starer struggling to sustain what is supposed to be walking, while
simultaneously refusing to detach the look from the milkish enchantering (we are not robozombies!). i’d
think:”like phunk, doth tho, like, walk, or, doth tho, like, read or
something?” wow 2 tho, tree-river looking! Be(e)hive for fuck sake and offend
no more, like phunk!
(rainy petals
spray the cosmic canvass. minuscule rescuers in disguise spread the reflection
carried on the wings of the wind.)
i vegan when i rush to work and cannot afford to
kneel in front of each bud i pass by to honor its presence. i vegan when i realize with a tiny bit of delay that i missed to notice
three pebbles on the pavement and pay homage to their smooth surfaces bearing
witness to the perseverance and persistence of the river as it whispers those
wavelengths around each and every harsh edge of this world. i vegan when i cry slimy
excrement, drink effervescence of mucus, and/or bathe in flamboyance of germs.
(the cloud’s wink reflected on the moonoiling gleam
encrusting the waves flapping along the river’s dignified response. constellations
from the desert of the riverbed anchored in the nodes of the oceanic forestry.
sparkling. smiling. mirrored in the thought of invisible feathers softly
falling off of invisible flowers of the universe.) like phunk!
The cloud winks. A sunshower splash flashing a
sustained smile to each and every interstice of the vacuum of interstellar
cold. A frozen moment of turquoise vastness gently necked by white fluffy
cotton candy. Saturating the void of airy trajectories – dazzling – reflection.
first, 4 fuck sake!)
It glitters above robust communication generated
along wide avenues where engines emanate the absurdity of kinetics fuzzing in
muscles of the foot pressing the gas pedal. Desperation of unquenchable thirst
for buzz. To deafen inner ness.
It gleams over the beehive of entanglement of signal
transmitted from one device to another. Solace to the cohorts of anxious
evidencing of one’s voice. Fantasy of connectivity. Futile attempts at denial
of loneliness.
It glows upon nodes of centripetal force drawing
gregarious valences into glossy public spots embellished with a typically domineering piece of furniture
made either of wood, or metal, or both, or…u name it. It is simultaneously a
divide and a connective between employees and clients. It is more than an
object. It serves a purpose. A bar is where glasses are put after they have
been emptied, where bottles await for the gulp of relief, where an elbow
ensures stability, where tip is generously being given, where thick foam’s
wild, meandering lick glides down the inside of the pint, anticipating a slurp
to lift the burden of the haunting specter of ashtrays, invisible aura of smoke
preserving memories of the times when smell was a mixture of staleness, sour
evaporations, glands’ radiance, and a glistening ray from an eye.
The cloud winks. Sunshower splashes a sustained
smile to the invisible feathers falling off of the flowers of the universe. A
frozen moment dazzles through the cosmic void. Saturating painfully aloof
trajectories – reflection.
first, 4 fuck sake!)
It spills its sparkling petals over the streams
covering the surface of pavements. Numberless feet protected with pieces of
high quality leather, man made material, or cotton. Clinking on concrete either
with the confidence of elegance or modesty of gum soles. Carrying miles of
swarmed energy persistently failing to match movement. Empire of distraction.
Arena of sensation. Of dislocation.
It spreads its luminescent kiss above the knots
corroded by the proliferation of virtual cards in pursuit of decoding fiscal
machines. No sense of cyborgness, no affinity for recognition, no proclivity
toward deciphering. Just decoding. Insatiable seeking. Indefatigable.
It cocoons a brooding shadow hooting into the solemn
airy trajectories a steely kiss.
--kessenem. / pleazy.
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