Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Storystyling : Unseasoned Seasons (foYr / 6)

syntax of(f) syntax vs. masks off masks 

When i was t(h)ree, i thought my name was the smell of the gentle rain evaporating through the seductively steamy early summer air enveloping the whole world in the softness of the pearly web.
I thought it was the smell of the story the river told me every time the ink empire spilled the moonoiling gleam over its quirky, capricious waves rejoicing in their mischievous play.
I thought the reflection from that sparkling rhapsody was the whisper spreading through the magic of photosynthesis, through the interstellar cold, through the smiling constellations.

--They say the language of theory is somewhat parallel to the role of Latin in Medieval times. Specifically, it is introduced by figures of authority and to experts who are supposed to use it as a tool for delivering some kind of message. Luckily, it is not impossible--or, not even difficult—to detect the tyranny of proliferated discourses of hypostatized worlds, vocabularies, and what not, simultaneously unmasking the chimera of exchange and ensuring the immunity of dedicated acolytes, practitioners in the service of language.

 manners first, 4 fuck sake!

--wow to tho, t(h)ree looking! wacth yo tongue. They say that with each virtual card being swiped through the machine vomiting fiscal fantasies of trade, transactions are made between the bank account linked to the card in question, bank account of the entity procuring the goods purchased, and the cosmic server acting as a repository of gold reserves. Each party involved in the transaction participates in the act of a radical voluntary suspension of an oneiric apparatus. Because in a dystopian world, you either dream or you remember. Those transactions thrive on the memory of monetized galaxies long sunken into their own dream of gold reserves. There are no gold reserves in a dystopian world. There are only either dreams or memories of them.

 manners first, 4 fuck sake!

(we’ve been pieces to each other’s puzzles.)
--They say you either acknowledge chronology and reflect it grammatically or you mess with tenses, thus demonstrating denial of chronos’s empire.
--They also say that discourse ate words and now disseminates their recycled debris disguised as speech.
--wow to tho, t(h)ree looking! That fact entitles you to use verbal chunks like containers to be filled with content of the nature of your choosing. It also entails a belief that the void one encounters might be the linguistic situation either before or after the content is provided.
--wow to tho, t(h)ree looking! That fact may well imply a possibility of verbalization being always already void of supply. It might also indicate the futility of the attempt to mask disintegrated verbal content and forge its perception as the currency of exchange.

(we’ve been pieces to each other’s puzzles. we’ve been ethereal mirrors to each other’s stolen images, stolen desires. we’ve been grey skies to each other’s rainy days, indigo blankets in eon long nights hiding from us each other’s orbits.)

 manners first, 4 fuck sake!

kessenem / pleazy.

When static saturates spaces that fill the mighty castle with the aura of the reason why one thought when one was t(h)ree that it was one’s name, you’d think it’s summer.

i breathe static. i isolate it from the cloud formed through the magic of photosynthesis. i plug an electronically enhanced retort  into the cloud and suck out of it a gaseous concoction that fills the inside of the chemical prop. i watch as it smears the inside of the glass walls with puffy stains. i watch those smoky curves twist and—snake. i fill my eyes with that meandering enchantment. i breathe dreams of memories. i breathe static.

When amber melts over the smell of sticky petals, galaxies softly vibrate with the warmth of their own smiles. Smiles they send to each other through interstellar cold. Smiles they exchange. When sticky petals sag in the frosty amber veil shielding them from airy currents, you bathe in the shimmering gelatinous dollops dissolved in ponds of stale liquid. When the sleazy balm mummifies you, you’d think it’s a memory of  the crust caking the crest of the waves shaped by the lazy winks of the river.

i bathe in the bacchanalia of milkfish fantasy charging my whole being with oneiric memories. i dream of the indigo blanket embroidered with sparkling cornucopia of golden nodes dispersal. splashes of golden on the canvas of desire. i distil static from the vaporous tumult in the retort. i place it onto a petri dish. i observe it with my microscopic lens. i fill my pupils with the traces of the composite from which it was released. i breathe static.

the milkfish jelly skimmed from the crusty lace and softened, crystallizes in the orbit of my iris.
A man walks slowly, holding his umbrella firmly. His hat is elegant. His coat looks expensive. His shoes are waterproof. He doesn’t open his umbrella, but he holds it in the way communicating the piece of information that made him take it in the first place. He passes by a woman lying on the mown along the pavement. She is wearing her favorite bikini. Her nose is sprinkled with gentle droplets of sweat, as it discreetly glides down from underneath the plastic clutches of her sunglasses. She is overshadowed by a figure standing nearby. His shadow casts cold on her sunbathing extravaganza. He is bundled up in his mink fur coat.  His feet feel bulky from the pair of heavy duty boots. He has a sledge next to his calf. His eyebrows are ornamented with frosty microweb. The woman asks him why he is dressed in that funny attire. He says he has a weather app on his device. He asks the man with the umbrella why he is not using it. The woman  remonstrates saying that she has a weather app on her device, too. She asks the man with the umbrella why he does not adjust his outfit so it reflects his conduct being in accord with circumstances. The man in the fur coat is agitated by the site of the woman’s wardrobe strikingly opposing the information guiding his reasoning. They both decide to obtain justification of their respective clothing by testing the validity of it against the man with the umbrella’s device driven choice. They ask, if not in unison, what kind of weather app he has.

The man with the umbrella walks slowly, holding his umbrella firmly. He dreams of letters that transform his umbrella into amber elucidating petals’ mucous kiss. He dreams of steamy screens buzzing in milkfish clouds. He feeds on the memories of the nights clad in the halo of the cosmic gland’s dried tears.

Snaking on, memories of dreams of unsmoked books fill the space curves within the mighty castle.

 manners first, 4 fuck sake!

kessenem / pleazy.

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