Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Storystyling : Sylvan Petrol & (General) Motors (5 / three)

We(e) Talk(ed)

I have no recollection of dreaming of the stately/mighty castle when I was a wee kiddie. Because when you dream, you dream. When you dream, you might not  necessarily know that  you are dreaming. Because in dreams--more often than not--the awareness of the state one is in is not very prominent. Sometimes it is. But I have no recollection of having it.

Sometimes, the grandiosity of the presence of the mighty/stately castle is so overwhelming that it makes me think that I am dreaming. Its airy tunnels are captivating. Its oak pillars awe inspiring. Its table stunning. Nearly formidable in its charming robustness, almost fragile in the capacity to generate warmth (you see my metaphoric twist here, don’t ya). It is aloof, yet protective; subtle, yet intense.

I like to imagine that I had a dream of it when I was a wee kiddie. I conjure up colossal palm trees where a whisper hisses around gentle green stems mobilizing myriads of green waves. I imagine swimming in that unlikely ocean. I fantasize of diving through its green water tubes playing with the undercurrents, as they are being transformed into a rhizomorphic web shyly reflecting the maps that at night overarch that wavy surface. As I keep diving through the webwiered wilderness, I think about the color of my voice and what it means to me. As I keep diving, I fantasize hard. As always.

When you mooned me, I thought the universe became my friend. Only later did I realize that we had been friends for quite a while. When you rivered me, I thought rays from the distant galaxies showered my oneirscape. Only later did I realize that my eyes had already been sunoiled. When I talked to you, I thought words were the cornerstones of the building where sentences were stashed, syntagms stored, phrases…sung. Only later did I realize that the sound was the walls of the stately/mighty castle, the vibrations its intramural currents. Weird.

There was always noise when I talked to you. Our words were being agitated by decibel spitfire. Our sentences violated by rancid toxicity saturating the communication channel. Our syntagms crippled by distasteful bluntness  of  the density of particulates. Our phrases…dispersed like a pearly shower across cosmic pathways. And yet, we kept talking. We maneuvered through that noisy ambush. We whispered through the sound jungle…trees of talk rising from the looks we were exchanging instead of verbal content.

We were uttering stellar statements, asked solar questions, thought rhizomorhic constellations invitingly embracing us as we were remapping punctuation…we breathed  the tales that taught us how to walk, how to smile, how to whisper. We were learning at night and practiced by day. We talked a lot, and not enough. Always word hungry, voice thirsty.

When you hissed in the A minor scale, I swished the G tone. When you giggled in C major, I told you to be who one is. You said : “bullshit me not with versatility.” I told you : ”gedaf*ck outta here  and keep on keeping on in the vein of a toddler philosopher”— tonic to one’s ear,  glistening through the layers of shoes, suits, and endless lists of figures. I liked the sound of it.

I couldn’t talk to you any more. I thought I did not speak your language any more. I thought we were inhabiting different universes. I thought different music was decorating the sparkling dome of our respective nocturnal trajectories. I thought different typography constituted text of our respective tales.  It might have been so. I have no recollection of it.

I don’t know when it occurred, but I know that I learned to dance in words. Because I know the rhythm. Because melody is my oxygen, and harmony my middle name. Because i am vegan. You don’t become vegan. That’s who one is. You may think you can detect and measure that state by checking the words’ ability to dance. But, you’d be fucking wrong to make such a guess. For one, there is no litmus to signal danceness of words. Secondly, you don’t measure it. Third, it’s elusive. It’s everywhere.

Although you don’t become vegan, the awareness of being one is an occurrence in its own right. But, I don’t know when it emerged. Who cares …You may question the awareness in the most radical of skeptical traditions. But, you’d be fucking distracted to assume such a meditative context. Because solipsism is a diversion from communication. Because one admires logic, and aesthetix is one’s disciplin A supreme. Because it’s everywhere.

Being vegan, i phantasmagorize hard. My dreams are the intensity of what I dream. Being vegan, i vegan. You’d say:”bullshit me not with circularity.” I’d tell you:”gedaf*ckouttahere, know that circles matter, and keep on keeping on in the vein of the incarnate of the childlike.” You’d insist:”I don’t understand your utterance, your syntax sux, and your morphology is decadent.” I’d tell you again:”I, too, thought I didn’t speak your language any more.” Because it was always noisy when we talked. Because distractions distorted our speech and digressions deviated our verbal flows. That’s why we were always word hungry, voice thirsty.  I liked the sound of it. That’s why I know I thought I didn’t speak your language any more. Because it’s everywhere.

 --like phunk!
--like phunk!

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